Community Employment Plans (CEPs)

These employer-led initiatives that aim to enable better access to job and training opportunities for local people.

Social Value & Procurement
Community Employment Plans (CEPs)


Community Employment Plans (CEPs) are employer-led initiatives that aim to enable better access to job and training opportunities for local people. The goal is to maximize the benefits from the developments by creating employment and training opportunities for local residents.

The Challenge

A lack of access to job and training opportunities for local people is a barrier to developing an inclusive economy where everyone has an opportunity to engage in meaningful employment.


Community Employment Plans (CEPs) aim to enable better access to job and training opportunities for local people. Across Oxfordshire, there are multiple large-scale infrastructure projects being developed or planned. To maximise the benefits from the developments, we offer guidance and support to implement CEPs. These are led through the development of employer-led initiatives called Community Employment Plans (CEPs).  CEPs are employer-led initiatives which can form part of Section 106 planning obligations for significant developments. Each Local Planning Authority in Oxfordshire has their own Local Plan. We aim to support major developers and employers in creating their CEP alongside district Economic Development Leads.

Find out more

Related Resources

Community Employment Plans

Community Employment Plans (CEPs) aim to ensure that local people can better access to job opportunities. This resource includes OxLEP's Community Employment Plan evidence paper.


Community Employment Plans (CEPs) - Developers handbook

Community Employment Plans (CEPs) aim to enhance training, employment and skills opportunities resulting from major development and generate inclusive economic activities for local communities in Oxfordshire. This handbook provides guidance and explains the process of developing a CEP.


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