New Futures Network

New Futures Network is a specialist part of Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) that brokers partnerships between prisons and employers in England and Wales.

Picture of a female apprentice working on the engine of a car in a workshop

New Futures Network is a specialist part of Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) that aims to create employment opportunities for serving prisoners and prison leavers. The network brokers partnerships between prisons and employers in England and Wales, and offers a range of initiatives to support businesses in recruiting and employing ex-offenders. The network’s website provides information on the benefits of employing ex-offenders, including reduced recruitment costs and increased staff retention. The website also offers resources for businesses, including case studies, information on sector-led training programs, and a registration form for businesses interested in partnering with the network. Finally, the website provides information on the network’s impact, including statistics on the number of businesses that have partnered with the network and the number of ex-offenders who have been employed as a result of the network’s initiatives.

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