OxLEP Apprenticeships Support

Support for apprentices and employers offering apprenticeships in Oxfordshire.

Picture of a female apprentice working on the engine of a car in a workshop

Find information about the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship program, which offers apprenticeships and vocational pathways to small and medium-sized businesses in Oxfordshire, including upskilling existing staff or employing new talent. it also provides a range of accessible delivery options, including one-to-one sessions in person or via telephone, webchat, and video call, plus online tools and webinars.

The program helps individuals explore their career options, understand the local job market, develop or enhance their CV, search and apply for local jobs, identify local opportunities including volunteering, develop their interview skills, apply for training and online learning, and build their confidence, and the website also provides information about the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Grant Scheme, which offers grants from £1,000 to £1,500 to eligible businesses to help remove potential barriers experienced by apprentices to either start or complete their respective qualification.

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