ROBIN (Responsible Oxfordshire Business Involvement Network) is a network of like-minded people from organisations across all sectors that was set up in 2009.

Picture of a female apprentice working on the engine of a car in a workshop

ROBIN is a network of businesses, charities, community groups, educational institutions, and public sector bodies in Oxfordshire. It was set up in 2009 to develop links between these organisations and to facilitate collaboration and support.

Members of ROBIN can connect with each other at quarterly networking events, and they can also post requests for support and offers of help on the ROBIN website and LinkedIn group. ROBIN also matches requests and offers, and facilitates introductions and collaborations.

The aim of ROBIN is to make a positive difference to the people of Oxfordshire by helping businesses and organisations to work together to address local challenges.

Examples of the work that ROBIN has done:

  • A business donated office space to a charity that was providing support to homeless people.
  • A group of businesses worked together to fund a new playground in a local park.
  • A charity received training from a business on how to use social media effectively.

ROBIN is a valuable resource for businesses and organisations in Oxfordshire that are looking to make a positive impact on their community. If you are interested in joining ROBIN, you can find more information on the website.

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