Social Value Portal

Social Value Portal offers a comprehensive solution for measuring and reporting social value.

Picture of a female apprentice working on the engine of a car in a workshop

Social Value Portal offers a comprehensive solution for measuring and reporting social value.

Mission: The platform provides a complete solution to help organisations effectively deliver their Social Value, from setting up for success to creating a lasting impact.


  • Consulting: They offer consultation services with Social Value Specialists to develop effective Social Value programs and maximise the value created by organisations.
  • Measurement: The platform uses the endorsed TOM System, a standardised framework that allows organisations to quantify their Social Value with confidence, ensuring that they are target-aligned, evidence-based, and impact-driven.
  • Management Platform: They offer a single integrated platform that assists organisations in accurately managing, recording, and organizing their Social Value activities efficiently.
  • Reporting: Organizations can analyse their performance against targets, KPIs, and frameworks, producing validated on-demand reports.
  • Support: From setup to training and ongoing assistance, their team of advisors ensures that members get the most out of their membership.
  • Membership Plans: Tailored membership plans are available for bidders, buyers, and businesses.
  • Contact: They offer a complimentary 30-minute discovery call for those interested in enhancing their Social Value efforts.
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