Social Value Toolkit for District Councils

Social Value Toolkit For District Councils provides guidance for district councils in the UK on how to incorporate social value into their procurement processes.

Picture of a female apprentice working on the engine of a car in a workshop


  • The toolkit is designed for district councils to harness the benefits of social value in their procurement processes.
  • Social value refers to the broader financial and non-financial value created by an organisation, impacting individual and community well-being, social capital, and the environment.
  • The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 mandates public sector organisations to consider how their commissioned services can enhance the economic, social, and environmental well-being of an area.

Benefits of Social Value:

  • Offers better value for money by expecting suppliers to deliver more than just core services.
  • Increases local spend, especially with SMEs and VCSEs.
  • Provides opportunities for disadvantaged individuals and promotes social mobility.
  • Encourages a responsible supply chain and environmental sustainability.
  • Strengthens communities and fosters innovation.

Developing a Social Value Policy:

  • A Social Value Policy bridges the gap between the Council Plan and its procurements.
  • The policy ensures that everything in the Council Plan is relevant to procurement.
  • The document provides a draft template for councils to create their own Social Value Policy.

National Social Value Measurement (TOMs) Framework:

  • Developed by the National Social Value Task Force, the TOMs framework helps organisations identify and measure the social value delivered through contracts.
  • The framework revolves around 5 themes: promoting skills and employment, supporting local business growth, creating healthier communities, improving the environment, and promoting social innovation.

Including Social Value in Procurements:

  • The toolkit recommends a standalone weighting of 10-20% for social value in the evaluation of procurements.
  • Bidders are provided with a set of measures and values to select and propose their social value contributions.
  • The total value of all contributions represents the overall social value offer to the council.

Capturing and Evaluating Bidders' Offers:

  • Offers can be captured using the Social Value Portal, ensuring transparency.
  • Bids are assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively, based on the criteria outlined in the ITT.

This toolkit serves as a comprehensive guide for district councils to understand, implement, and benefit from social value in their procurement processes.

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