Supply Change

Supply Change is a UK-based organisation dedicated to fostering impactful supply chains.

Picture of a female apprentice working on the engine of a car in a workshop

Supply Change is a UK-based organisation dedicated to fostering impactful supply chains.

Mission: Supply Change assists organisations in creating supply chains that yield high returns for businesses, people, and the environment.

Services for Buyers:

  • They simplify the process of social procurement, making it quicker and more impactful.
  • Buyers can access a platform of trusted social suppliers.
  • They offer assistance in establishing a social procurement process.
  • They help organisations become leaders in impact.

Services for Suppliers:

  • Supply Change makes procurement opportunities more accessible for mission-driven businesses, such as social enterprises and co-operatives.
  • They help increase the visibility of suppliers.
  • Suppliers can engage motivated buyers on their platform and access trading opportunities.

Resources: They offer a practical guide on implementing social procurement in the construction sector and provide insights on social procurement through their blog and newsletter.

Partnerships: Supply Change collaborates with a diverse range of organisations from both the public and private sectors. This includes national construction companies, global corporate brands, housing associations, public sector entities, universities, and local authorities.

Testimonial: Jamie McKechnie, the Procurement Director at Kier Group, praised Supply Change for providing a straightforward method to engage with social suppliers, highlighting the platform's ability to deliver impact alongside reliable supply chains.

Engagement: They offer the "Social Procurement Round-up" to keep businesses updated on the latest trends in social enterprise, sustainability, and CSR.

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