Social value for buyers

Our step by step guide for buyers and anchors institutions who want to create social value.

a picture of a man reading with a child. The man is smiling and the child is laughing

Your social value journey

Our step by step guide will guide you along every step of your journey to becoming a buyer or anchor institution that creates social value.

First steps

OK we've got your interest, but where can you start? The first step is to be clear about the social value you already generate. Here are some things that can help:

  • Get inspiration from those already doing it

  • Think about the social value your organisation already generates. Do you have a clear story? What else could you do?

  • Start measuring your impact – use tools for social impact measurement

  • Find a mentor – speak to organisations already doing this (take a look at our directory for inspiration)

  • Add social value to your own supply chain. Websites like Social Enterprise UK, Independent Oxford, Owned by Oxford, Good Food Oxfordshire, and OSEP have directories of suppliers.


You’ve got a clear offer and know how you contribute social value. Now it’s time to start leveraging your social value difference:

  • Sharpen your pitch – consider taking part in Procurement Readiness training

  • Get yourself known – look out for OIEP partner Meet the Buyer events

  • Speak to local experts/brokers - OSEP, OXLEP, Robin Network, Owned By Oxford

  • Find local organisations who could benefit from what you can offer - sign up for Match my Project

  • Look for collaborators


You’re well on your way but think there’s more you could do. Here are some ways to turbocharge your social value difference:

  • Align all your organisational practices to serve deeper purpose - DEAL tool for business

  • Get social value accredited - eg. by B-Corp assessment.

  • Go Net-Zero

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