Place based

Investing in places that need it most so that money spent in our economy helps address challenges in health, environment, and housing.

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Oxfordshire is home to significant inequalities.  It is only one of three regions that contributes a surplus to the UK economy, but despite its global position and perceived affluence, its wealth and opportunities are not evenly distributed.

According to the 2019 English Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) Oxfordshire contains 17 (out of 407) LSOAs (Lower-layer Super Output Areas) within the 2 most deprived IMD deciles – deciles 1 and 2. They are mostly contained within 10 wards – 1 in Abingdon, 3 in Banbury and 6 in Oxford. The IMD focuses on seven domains of deprivation: income, employment, education, skills and training, health and disability, crime, barriers to housing and services and living environment. The city of Oxford is the second most unequal place in the UK (source: Cities Outlook 2022 | Centre for Cities) in terms of income, housing, affordability and life expectancy.

We need to develop an inclusive economy for all places: urban and rural.

Place-based working is a person-centred, bottom-up approach used to meet the unique needs of people in one given location by working together to use the best available resources and collaborate to gain local knowledge and insight. By working collaboratively with the people who live and work locally, it aims to understand needs and priorities and to deliver solutions from a local perspective, taking an asset-based approach that seeks to highlight the strengths, capacity and knowledge of all those involved.

What we're doing

Our place-based working group serves an enabling function for the Partnership, ensuring we are targeting our efforts to make the best use of resources.

Our place-based working group has carried out an exercise looking at the correlation between deprivation, educational attainment and economic inclusion /employment for people aged 16-24 and 45 years plus cohorts across Oxfordshire.  

The exercise highlighted the following areas as of highest need:

Cherwell: Banbury: Grimsbury/Bretch Hill/Neithrop

Oxford City: Blackbird Leys/Rose Hill/Barton      

South & Vale: Didcot 

West Oxfordshire: Witney

We have then drilled down into the data by ward level as well as looking at the protected characteristics for each of the 8 identified areas. This approach will allow us to target our work. This place-based approach will help build an inclusive economy in Oxfordshire by focussing on the specific needs of a particular area, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Look at key findings from the data dashboardLook at Oxfordshire County Council's Community Insight profiles

Workshop: exploring doughnut economics as a tool for building a regenerative economy

Slides and recording from a workshop hosted by the OIEP exploring how doughnut economics can be used as a tool for building regenerative and inclusive economies.

Presentation and video

Social Mobility Commission State of the Nation 2023: People and Places

The aim of this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of social mobility across the life course, which is developed and updated each year.


Oxfordshire Uncovered Report from Oxfordshire Community Foundation

Oxfordshire Community Foundation (OCF) have produced a report exploring the hidden social problems in the county and the effect they have on the social fabric and cohesion of our community.


Oxfordshire Local Area Inequalities Dashboard

This dashboard has been produced as part of Oxfordshire’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) to view and analyse health indicators at a local level including: poverty, fuel poverty, income deprivation and unemployment.

Data dashboard

Chaired by: Rosie Rowe and Pat Coomber-Woods

Rosie Rowe

Dr Rosie Rowe is Oxfordshire County Council’s Head of Healthy Place Shaping. With a background in health services research, development of primary care and community health services, and public health she became the Director of Bicester’s Healthy New Town Programme in 2016. Following the success of this pilot programme which aimed to bring together health, planning and community development, Rosie is now responsible for embedding healthy place shaping across Oxfordshire, addressing the wider determinants of health and creating healthy communities.

Pat Coomber-woods

Pat Coomber-Woods is CEO of Citizens Advice North Oxfordshire and South Northamptonshire.

Supporting Organisations:

Aspire Oxfordshire

Aspire supports people in Oxfordshire facing homelessness and disadvantage to secure fulfilling employment and safe housing.


A network of over 100 community action groups working across Oxfordshire to make it a safer, fairer, greener, more sustainable place to live, work and visit.

Cherwell District Council

Cherwell District Council is the local authority in the Cherwell district in northern Oxfordshire.

Citizens Advice North Oxon & South Northants

Citizens Advice provide free, confidential and impartial advice and campaign on big issues affecting people's lives.

Community First Oxfordshire

CFO is a community development charity which helps communities and individuals to identify issues that affect them and find their own solutions.


The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy.

Kellogg College

The University of Oxford's most international and interdisciplinary graduate college, advocating lifelong learning.


Oxfordshire Mind exists to ensure that anyone who has mental health difficulties has somewhere to turn to for support.


Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action is enabling a diverse voluntary and community sector to flourish in Oxfordshire.


OSEP CIC is a social enterprise, set up to support social entrepreneurs, Social Enterprises, enterprising charities and purposeful business across Oxfordshire.

Oxford Hub

Working to build a more equal, resilient and connected Oxford.

Oxfordshire County Council

Oxfordshire County Council is the local authority for the county of Oxfordshire.

Oxfordshire Youth

A non-profit organisation created to meet the needs of young people in Oxfordshire.


Prorsus is a property development and investment company that supports the UK Knowledge Economy.

South Oxfordshire District Council

South Oxfordshire District Council is the local authority for south Oxfordshire.

University of Oxford

Oxford University provides world-class research and education to benefit society on a local, regional, national and global scale.

Vale of White Horse District Council

Vale of White Horse District Council is the local authority for the Vale of White Horse, a non-metropolitan district in the south-west of Oxfordshire.